
Baby K is the son of a Nepali labourer family. The child started crying suddenly at four pm and then started vomiting followed by the passage of currant jelly stools. The young yet astute mother noticed a mass in the abdomen. The child was brought to us  in the night. A working diagnosis of intussusception was made, confirmed by the “Sign de dance” on the plain x ray ( empty right iliac fossa).

Hydroreduction  was attempted but was not successful, hence the infant taken up for surgery, where ileocecal intussusception was found which had approached the sigmoid colon in its extent. Thankfully, on reduction the bowel was viable. A type 1 malrotation had predisposed to this. A cecopexy was performed. ( The bowel was returned to the proper place it was supposed to be in, which was why this happened in the first place).

The baby is now doing well.

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